Cloud ecosystem of CMC Telecom draws attention at Internet Day 2018
CMC Telecom’s Ecosystem of Solution on Cloud platform has drawn a lot of attention and interest of experts, business representatives and journalists attending the event. In an interview with VTC 1, Vietnam News Agency, Mr. Pho Duc Kien - Deputy CEO, Director of CNMB shared: “In addition to products for transmission and infrastructure, CMC Telecom also brings solutions to help businesses with digital interaction in the most effective way. Therefore, the end consumers of the business will have the best service experience.”
Cloud ecosystem of CMC Telecom includes transmission infrastructures, data centers, solutions and applications supporting the processing of complex problems such as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), video/image analysis, Big Data analysis, etc. In addition to CMC Cloud, CMC Telecom is currently the only institution in Vietnam to provide direct data connection service to AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google and IBM. This ecosystem meets the needs of various market segments, from state agencies, education systems, e-commerce, MNC, industrial parks to banks and financial institutions.
CMC Telecom’s Ecosystem of Solution on Cloud platform has drawn a lot of attention and interest of experts, business representatives and journalists attending the event. In an interview with VTC 1, Vietnam News Agency, Mr. Pho Duc Kien - Deputy CEO, Director of CNMB shared: “In addition to products for transmission and infrastructure, CMC Telecom also brings solutions to help businesses with digital interaction in the most effective way. Therefore, the end consumers of the business will have the best service experience.”
Cloud ecosystem of CMC Telecom includes transmission infrastructures, data centers, solutions and applications supporting the processing of complex problems such as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), video/image analysis, Big Data analysis, etc. In addition to CMC Cloud, CMC Telecom is currently the only institution in Vietnam to provide direct data connection service to AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google and IBM. This ecosystem meets the needs of various market segments, from state agencies, education systems, e-commerce, MNC, industrial parks to banks and financial institutions.