CMC Corporation announces new slogan: "Aspire to inspire the digital world"
From 15 March 2019, CMC Corporation will officially change into the new slogan: "Aspire to inspire the digital world". There are three main reasons to change the slogan at this time, according to Mr. Nguyen Trung Chinh, Chairman of the Board of Directors/CEO of CMC:
First, the new slogan marks that CMC Corporation has a great change in technology capacity. Still revolving around digital transformation - which is the theme and the motto of CMC for many years, but now digital transformation must start from core competencies. In recent years, CMC still helps customers to convert data and processes on digital platforms, but somehow it is still "running after" instead of owning the technology. From 2019, CMC determines that the task of moving from "product" to "service" is not only based on the needs of customers, but also to lead customers and the trend. Instead of just doing traditional outsourcing, CMC needs to provide solutions and technologies, as well as cooperate with partner firms to develop potential markets. The market size is large, the demand for digital transformation is also huge, and it is certainly not easy changing the platforms that have been around for 25 years, but that is the reward for those who are courageous, determined, and persistent to overcome difficulties and challenges to "inspire the digital world".
Second, with the business philosophy focusing on Aspire and Inspire, Mr. Nguyen Trung Chinh wants CMC to build customer trust and motivation for technology lovers. CMC is willing to share knowledge with people in a fair and equal way - that is why the Corporation has built C.OPE2N, an open platform ecosystem for everyone to join and share knowledge. According to Mr. Chinh, the world is flat now and anyone can participate in the digital world. This game is very fair and offers opportunities for all, so you must increase competitiveness and must constantly be creative. CMC Corporation is a leading technology corporation in Vietnam, but this is only a market of 100 million people in comparison with neighboring markets such as ASEAN, Japan, Korea which are 5 or 6 times bigger. In order to penetrate those markets, the company has to strengthen its capacities, be creative, and make relentless efforts to conquer and inspire.
Third, the slogan "Aspire to inspire the digital world" is very consistent with the 5-year strategic orientation in 2019-2023 period and business objectives approved by the Board of Directors. Accordingly, by 2023, CMC Corporation will become a global, world-class corporation, a billion dollar company with 10,000 employees in 2023. Along with this goal, the Management of the Corporation decided to restructure CMC with 3 business blocks, corresponding to 3 new companies that will officially be put into operation from fiscal year 2019: Information Solution and Technology (CMC Corporation & Solution), Global Business, and Telecommunications Service (CMC Telecom). At the meeting to kick-start business plan for the period of 2019-2023, Mr. Nguyen Trung Chinh explained that this is the process of transforming "From Good to Great", which has to go through a booming period. The "Billion-dollar" strategy of CMC doesn’t just pop out recently: it has been prepared for since 2017 when the Corporation implemented activities on management, human resource training and development, building corporate culture, opening CMC Institute of Science and Technology (CIST), etc. Even the core values of the Corporation have been changed into "Creativity - Commitment - Customer Centricity" and added a value of "C- Speed", referring to the speed of light - the quantum speed that people always want to reach to.
The information technology industry always faces many challenges, requiring constant movement and change. In the past, CMC started with passion, but now in addition to that passion are requirements, challenges and pressures from the world. Mr. Nguyen Trung Chinh also affirms, with the spirit of "Aspire to inspire", that Vietnam’s Top 2 technology corporation with 2600 employees will be able to reach higher and go further in the future, step out into the world and become a "billion-dollar company".