CMC launches open infrastructure ecosystem C.OPE2N, desires to make Vietnam a “Digital Hub” of Asia

In the global Digital Transformation, CMC – the leading ICT corporation in Vietnam has developed an open infrastructure ecosystem for enterprises and organizations called C.OPE2N. With the desire to make Vietnam a “Digital Hub” to converge, connect and share knowledge, C.OPE2N will benefit the government and enterprises, creating foundation for building “Vietnam 4.0”.

On behalf of Ministry of Information and Communications, Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung (Member of the Party Central Committee, Minister of Information and Communications) has congratulated CMC: “This year, Vietnam will declare the national digital transformation strategy towards digital economy; thus, we need to build new telecommunications and data infrastructure for the country. C.OPE2N of CMC is such an infrastructure. Ministry of Information & Communications welcomes CMC to play the role of provider of Cloud platform and digital transformation service for enterprises. The Ministry also encourages more enterprises to invest in digital infrastructure and economy in order to form an Asian Hub for Cyber Security. Today, we witness a strong move for Vietnam to become a"Digital Hub" in the region. If you want to become a global corporation, a billion dollar company in 5 years, you have to dream big. We wish CMC to continue to come up with unique approaches in order to realize that dream of going global and becoming a role model for development of technology enterprises in Vietnam.”


Mr. Nguyen Trung Chinh (Chairman of Board of Directors/CEO of CMC Corporation) declares the official launch of C.OPE2N.


The ceremony to start the cooperation and companionship with C.OPE2N is attended by Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung (Member of the Party Central Committee, Minister of Information and Communications), Ms. Vu Thi Mai (Deputy Minister of Finance), Mr. Nguyen Dai Tri (Director General of Statistic Informatics Department under Minister of Finance), Mr. Le Manh Hung (Director General of IT Department under the State Bank of Vietnam) as well as more than 20 domestic and international partners of CMC in the field of technology: Microsoft, IBM, TIME dotcom, Dell EMC, SAP, HPE, Fujitsu, Red Hat, China Mobile, PwC, VietinBank, VCCorp, etc.


Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung (Member of the Party Central Committee, Minister of Information and Communications) congratulates CMC.

CMC Corporation: Leading the development of technology ecosystem

In the recent 10 years, the technology industry has witnessed world leading enterprises, such as Amazon, Google, Alibaba, etc. to have their ecosystem building strategy for data exploitation and sharing in order to maintain and develop competitive advantages. Data connectivity is the key to the economization of data. Ecosystems are all about creating a platform to link technical hardware, software on the internet, operating systems and applications running on those hardware. It can be said that ecosystem is a vital factor for any technology enterprise.

The architecture of C.OPE2N consists of 5 layers and 2 modules with mutual and intimate relationship with each other. Layers of foundation structure include: Cloud – IaaS (CMC cloud infrastructure), Platform – PaaS (platform as a service, available for enterprises) which is responsible for providing physical infrastructure for the upper layers and ensuring connectivity. Next is the Data layer (data management platform), including Data Lake , Data Integration, Analytics as a Service, Realtime Data Streaming, which allow to process and analyze changing data streams over time. Above it is AI as a Service, such as predicting statistics based on data from the past, supporting real-time decision-making process, etc. for production and business of enterprises. And the 5th layer at the top is the Smart Application containing many types of specialized application to serve the needs of enterprises, such as sales, marketing, customer analysis, human resource management, accounting and auditing, smart camera, etc. These applications come from both CMC and partners in the ecosystem.

In addition to serving business operation of CMC Corporation and partners, pillar platforms of C.OPE2N also bring along a miniature simulation environment of a modern digital world, through which, CMC desires to contribute to the construction of e-Government and digital nation. C.OPE2N can quickly create safe, efficient and effective public administration and e-government services with high quality tools, helping state agencies to lower the cost of investment in IT infrastructure and catch up with the trend of Industry 4.0 of the world. Since it is built on Data Center infrastructure and information security system with international quality, C.OPE2N will be the optimal choice for state agencies in the context of cyber security law is being enforced to fight against cyber wars and minimize the threat of cyber attacks.

For enterprises and partners, C.OPE2N of CMC provides open telecommunications infrastructure, including high-quality GPON (Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks), Data Center meeting international standards in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, etc.  C.OPE2N can adequately cater for technology needs of SMEs as well as domestic and international economic conglomerates, in particular: providing ICT resources, calculation, storage, internet bandwidth, virtualization technology, providing tools to query and search for information, providing payment tools, big data analysis tools, etc. The selling point of C.OPE2N is “CMC Integration Suite” - consisting of integrated packages of CMC for traditional customers including Banking - Finance industry (FSI), enterprises, content providers, ISP/CSP, etc. In the ecosystem of C.OPE2N, all of the abovementioned customers can benefit from an "open" system with many technologies from world leading providers, such as Amazon, Microsoft, Google, etc. as well as various data services which help them to be ready for digital transformation and at the same time ensure information security thanks to the available confidentiality platform of CMC Corporation.

"Aspire to Inspire": A desire to conquer the digital world!

C.OPE2N is not the only surprise brought over by CMC Corporation this year. At the beginning of fiscal year 2019, the leadership of the Corporation presented the strategic orientation for the 5-year period of 2019-2023, which has been approved by the Board of Directors. Accordingly, by 2023, CMC Corporation will become a global, world-class corporation with 1 billion USD in revenue and 10,000 employees. Along with this goal, the leadership of the Corporation decided to restructure CMC into 3 business segments, corresponding to 3 new companies which will be officially put into operation from fiscal year 2019: Technology & Solution, Global Business, and Telecommunications.

Entering 2019, CMC Corporation also changes its slogan to: “Aspire to inspire the digital world”.  With the philosophy of focusing on aspiration and inspiration, CMC wants to build trust with customers and to create motivation for technology lovers. CMC is willing to share knowledge with people in a fair and equal manner, which is the reason why the Corporation develops C.OPE2N for people to join in and share knowledge – OPEN & CONNECT.